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Management Desk

Dr. Dhananjay Varnekar
( Founder Chairman)

Parents and my dear students,
I take this privilege to welcome you to Cambridge International School. At Cambridge International School, we have taken an initiative towards the progress of India by building schools, where we can impart best global practices in the children, through an Integrated Research Based International Curriculum. We, at Cambridge International School are passionate about guiding the next generation towards their development, growth and leadership.

Dear Parents,
Every Student Deserves a Childhood full of enthusiasm and experimentation. This is the right time to allow them to expand their horizons and spread their wings. At Cambridge International School (CIS), every student get exposure to systematic extensive learning under the guidance of trained and insightful educators so that they will develop a global outlook. The CIS will spare no efforts to make learning a joyful and sustainable activity for its students, making education a real celebration. The stress-free environment encourages each child to explore, experiment and discover the world around them.

Mr. Ram D. Raina
( Founder Director)

( Director)

Dear Parents,
Our institution is guided by our director Mrs.Sheetal Dhananjay Varnekar, an enthusiastic social activist, an eminent and committed mentor. She has immenseexperience in handling thoughts of kids and parents. On the other hand she has won laurels for her dedicated contribution towards community and women empowerment and also she is an social activist and humble mentor.Her tremendous social work always teaches our students tonurture the humanity. We aim to give our students a bright future.

Dear Parents,

Our school values provide our staff and students with a blueprint for life – Be Safe; Be Respectful; Be Responsible; Be Your Best and Be Kind. We encourage our students to develop respectful relationships with their peers, teachers and the broader community. We instill in our students a keen social conscience and the capacity to make ethical decisions. Students are continually encouraged to appreciate our diverse community and to care for others by becoming global citizens, and develop a concern and active respect for the environment.


Ms. Sarabjeet Kaur Mahal
(Vice Principal)

( HOD)

Dear Parents,
Miss.Sonali Kute has completed her MBA in finance and after working for few years with MNCs she decided to join preschool and started working with Cambridge Champs in year 2012. She learnt to fill the unorganized gap between knowledge and the way it is imparted by adapting the right facilitators,teaching methodologies, proper infrastructure and modern technology to prepare a conductive learning environment for children.She truly believes that quality education is the key to a better future.She says, “It is essential to focus on healthy parent partnership, customizing education to preserve the uniqueness of every child, uplifting the skills of educators at large and making every day interesting and exciting for the child”.

Parents and my dear students,
Miss Rajani Nakod is someone who devotes herself for constantly upgrading
and working on new initiatives for overall development of childcare .the prime focus of our curriculum is to innovate teaching and learning methodology by arranging classroom training and workshops for our teachers. She ensures that all the branches work as one team with her regular visits for this we emphasize on easy ,fun and learn inputs in our curriculum.